Teaching positions (as Teaching Assistant)

  • Winter 2023
    • STAT 332 (Sampling and Experimental Design): Ran weekly tutorials, improved content from previous terms.
  • Fall 2022
    • STAT 231 (Intro to Probability): Ran 3 review tutorials.

Student quotes

"I had Gradon as a TA for STAT 332, and he was in charge of running the tutorials. He did a great job of engaging us (the students) by working through the problems with us together, instead of just showing us the solutions. This helped a lot with my learning and understanding of the content, because I was challenged to use what we were learning in lectures to solve application problems. Gradon responds to questions well and his detailed explanations help clear up any misunderstandings of the concepts. He is clearly very knowledgeable and passionate about the topic and cares about the students! I also appreciated that he came prepared to the tutorials and knew what he was covering each day, as this kept us on time."